Title: The Twofold Rhythm of Duration in Opera. The Musical Dramaturgy of the Car Radio Opera "Cleansing of the Soul through Fun and Games". This thesis focuses on musical dramaturgy in operas with a story. I believe my own music is better when I write operas than instrumental music. The question is why? The aim of this thesis is to investigate the relationship between story and music and see how it affects the composing process. The point of departure of the study is the rhythm of duration (or continuous course) since story and music proceed side by side in time. The artistic activity as such is made use of methodically to develop theories and tools. For this thesis I have written an opera specifically for the car radio and the opera is us...
This folio of seven musical works explores compositional approaches to narrative. Central to this pr...
This study set out to explore different ways to structure the dramaturgy within jazz music, using di...
The analysis of "Path of Light" will investigate the basic relationships between music and drama pre...
This study investigates the particular integration of drama and music into the unique...
The present work would like to introduce a rare interdisciplinary look on opera. The work deals prim...
This dissertation focuses primarily on the following aspects concerning music in theatre: 1) its exp...
The present paper forms part of a complex research project based on a closed-reading approach I am c...
The goal of this thesis is to explain the unique aspects of composing music for film and the unusual...
This thesis is about the opera Wozzeck by Alban Berg and how this second Viennese school composer cr...
This thesis describes the process that Gísli Jóhann Grétarsson, composer, and Margrét Brynjarsdóttir...
The fine art of repetition – en analys av kompositionstekniker och dess applicering i musikalenChess...
So far the first opera inspired by the work of Bruno Schulz, Demiurgos by Juliusz Łuciuk, has been p...
Muscial theatre for children – the function of the music in theatrical storytelling for children in ...
The main topic of this dissertation is concert dramaturgy, and the aim of the research project has b...
This doctoral research comprises a practitioner-based reflective enquiry to bridge the gap between ...
This folio of seven musical works explores compositional approaches to narrative. Central to this pr...
This study set out to explore different ways to structure the dramaturgy within jazz music, using di...
The analysis of "Path of Light" will investigate the basic relationships between music and drama pre...
This study investigates the particular integration of drama and music into the unique...
The present work would like to introduce a rare interdisciplinary look on opera. The work deals prim...
This dissertation focuses primarily on the following aspects concerning music in theatre: 1) its exp...
The present paper forms part of a complex research project based on a closed-reading approach I am c...
The goal of this thesis is to explain the unique aspects of composing music for film and the unusual...
This thesis is about the opera Wozzeck by Alban Berg and how this second Viennese school composer cr...
This thesis describes the process that Gísli Jóhann Grétarsson, composer, and Margrét Brynjarsdóttir...
The fine art of repetition – en analys av kompositionstekniker och dess applicering i musikalenChess...
So far the first opera inspired by the work of Bruno Schulz, Demiurgos by Juliusz Łuciuk, has been p...
Muscial theatre for children – the function of the music in theatrical storytelling for children in ...
The main topic of this dissertation is concert dramaturgy, and the aim of the research project has b...
This doctoral research comprises a practitioner-based reflective enquiry to bridge the gap between ...
This folio of seven musical works explores compositional approaches to narrative. Central to this pr...
This study set out to explore different ways to structure the dramaturgy within jazz music, using di...
The analysis of "Path of Light" will investigate the basic relationships between music and drama pre...